Friday, March 14, 2008

Izmo Guglich Affair

The "Bosnian Pyramid" Project: Izmo Guglich Affair is a hoax by a blogger known as Izmo Guglich perpetrated on the pseudoarchaeological project of Semir Osmanagic , a Texas-based metal-worker who claims to have found ancient pyramids in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

In February 2008, Izmo Guglich submitted two papers of nonsense camouflaged in pseudoscientific and New Age jargon, signed by a "Dr.Phil. Amer Kovacevic", for publication on Semir Osmanagic's web site , as an experiment to see if that web site, claiming to be dedicated to serious and scientific geo-archaeological research of Bosnia-Herzegovina's cultural and historical heritage, will accept it for publication . On personal recommendation from Semir Osmanagic , both articles were published immediately Bosnian Lilly: One Opinion in Support to Semir Osmanagic's Theses Bosnian Medieval Tombstones: Guide to the Reading of Bosnian Pyramids * and one of them subsequently translated into English by his staff member. This was followed by publishing of another similar article , written by Mr. Osmanagic's associate Davorin Vrbancic, clearly inspired by the nonsense written by "Dr.Phil. Amer Kovacevic".

Since Izmo Guglich announced on his blog that both articles were a hoax and that a "Dr.Phil. Amer Kovacevic" is a fictitious person, there was no reaction from Semir Osmanagic's project web site nor were those articles removed from it .

The "Bosnian Pyramid" Project: Izmo Guglich Affair goes in the same category of efforts such as the Sokal Affair or the Project Alpha , devised to expose pseudoscientific conduct.

*translation of the Bosnian title

The article is still available at Wikipedia

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