Te kako je izblamirala sebe, novine za koje radi i omogucila nam da jos jednom vidimo povrijedjenu sujetu gurua Osmanagica koji mahnito vitla sesirom i najavljuje zabranu snimanja na lokacijama koje nisu njegova babovina, sto precesto zaboravlja.
U postu kojeg je Stultitia objavila u ponedjeljak , procitali smo kako je novinarka besplatnog casopisa Weekend spasavala ugled Bosne i Hercegovine od umalo iste sudbine kakvu je zbog Borata dozivio Kazahstan – da im se citav svijet smije (eto lijepe srece da su nas do sada uzimali za ozbiljno).
Kako su vec novinarke slabe na taj plavi cuperak pozurila je mladjahna Besima da o svom "velikom otkricu" javi Semiru, koji je u tom trenutku, kao i svaki pravi istrazivac u jeku istrazivacke sezone, ‘ladio dupe u Becu, a on im od tamo poslao haber da mu na oci ne dolaze.
No, o cemu se zaista radilo?
Stul je dobila mail u kojem Alan Rhodes i Steven Eastwood pisu:
“I was just sent the article this morning and did a quick online translation. It is really unfortunate Besima's reaction to the trailer and description. These were not secrets-- the website had been sent to the Foundation and our friends in Visoko six months ago. I think that you are right in suspecting that Besima's reactions are in part sensationalism, wanting to make a story of foreigners being naive and cruel. I think Semir's discouraging remarks are largely reacting to Besima's negative ideas about how he imagines the film to be. In particular, Besima clearly fears a film like Borat, that is designed to make fun of a foreign people through manipulation.
What we desire to make is not a comedy, but an artful drama. Not Borat, but a film after the
style of Hungarian filmmaker, Béla Tarr, Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami, Chinese filmmaker Jia Zhangke. There is a whole new genre of documentary filmmaking that seeks to represent real people, locations, and situations within the structure of fiction film; it is a new wave of neo-realist filmmaking and we are working to be a part of it.”
U prilogu su se nasli i mailovi koje je Alan poslao Besimi i Semiru, cije dijelove cu objaviti na blogu, kako biste vidjeli da biti novinar zaista jeste ozbiljan posao koji moze izazvati ozbiljne probleme i velike posljedice po one o kojima pisete, cak i ako pisete za novine koje besplatno pokupite na izlazu iz Interexa. Gospodjica Besima nije mogla docekati da dobije odgovor na mail kojeg je poslala Alanu, pa je vijest objavila prije nego sto je cula rekaciju druge strane i tako zamalo unistila svaku mogucnost da se taj film i snimi.
Ovo je dio maila kojeg je Alan napisao Besimi:
I had planned on responding for the article today, but I see it has already been posted. The Pyramid of the Sun Foundation emailed it to me, and I did a quick online translation. They are very troubled by it. I have proposed with them to sit down next week, when we are in
Visoko, to work through their concerns. Unlike a film like Borat, we have to have the complete support of the community to make this film; because we want to tell their stories. It is all about them working with us, and letting us see, in film form, how life is in Visoko. It is absolutely not about someone coming in from the outside to trick them, or make their stories into something they are not. We are very concerned with how the people there want to be seen and how they imagine their story told.
For those of us making films that look at other countries, the film Borat has done a real injury. It creates a suspicioun of filmmakers in general, and especially if the filmmakers use elements of the fiction film. What we are pursuing is not a film like Borat, but similar to the dramatic art films of Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami, or Chinese filmmaker Jia Zhangke where, by telling a fictional story in a real place, with real people, it creates a way to see a community without the 'educational' style of documentary.
When we arrived in Visoko last September to check things out, we had in mind this idea of what people imagine-- how things had changed so much around an image of the pyramids that had not yet been seen-- and kept asking people to tell us what they imagined. This is what is seen in the trailer, these questions.
It was from this thinking that we developed the idea of combining a fiction film with documentary. Because so much of what we found interesting was how people imagined things, we thought a fictional story that moved through the community could allow room to present these imaginings. As well, by using a Bosnian actor to be a go-between, and being able to craft his story, we could draw connections to the history of war in the region... how people continue to return home, how the site of the Bosnian/Serbian front-line in Visoko has changed so much both on the ground and in the international media.
Because we've developed our ideas from a great distance-- even Steven and I are in different continents while we email back and forth our ideas and writing-- there has been some needed communication with the people there that has not yet happened. We have set aside a week in
Visoko (this coming week-- we arrive in Visoko this Sunday) in which to discuss the plans for filming with the people there. We will work directly with the people we would like to include in the film until they feel confident that the film is intended as respectful and the methods will work with them and not against them. We would like your support too. I don't want any bad blood between us and the community. Maybe we could meet next week, and we can try to convince you that our intentions are artistic, not comical.
I truly want to convince you that our intentions are respectful to the Foundation, the people of Visoko, and Bosnia. In my one visit there, I really loved Bosnia as I saw it, driving through the mountains in the North, through Mostar, and of course in Sarajevo and Visoko.... especially because of the people.
Alan Rhodes”
“Sam and Avdeja,
I did a quick online translation of the article and understand the gist of it and your concern. This is a major concern, and, I think, a failure of communication. We want to make a film with you and the community, and with your complete support. Developing story ideas from such a distance, with only email and web communication is very different from being in the same room talking about things, especially with all people concerned being very busy with other things.
I want you to know that we want to make the film that you want, that you feel faithfully represents you. We have booked flights to arrive in Visoko this Saturday a week before intending to shoot. It is completely clear from the shooting script that we cannot make the film as proposed without you. You are the film. And unlike a troubling comedy like Borat (as was referred to in the article) this drama is made up of spending time with many of you in the foundation and letting you talk and interact with our Bosnian go-between actor. This is absolutely not a sort-of Borat abusive comedy (I, personally, am made uncomfortable by that film... I find it embarassing). Unlike a film as that, we cannot make this film without your willing support and involvement. We need a course of action, and this is what I propose:
let's set a time to meet next week, and talk through face-to-face your concerns and make adjustments to what we plan in light of them. If you could take it on faith until that meeting, from past experience meeting with us, that we want to make a film that satisfies you, that you can believe will present a respectful, and beneficial image of Bosnia, I'm sure we can come find a way of approachings that is not just satisfactory to you, but that you are excited about. This is what we want and need. This film is not possible without your complete support.
As well, if there are particular questions or concerns you have now, let me answer any questions by email.
Please let me know if this agrees with you. We--Steven, our Production Manager, our Director of Photography, and I-- will be arriving in Sarajevo Saturday afternoon. Meeting with you, of course, is a priority; any time that would work for you we can make.
My best,
Alan Rhodes”
Smatram da je bilo vazno ukazati na, barem se iz prepiske takvima cine, dobre i postene (naivne?) namjere ljudi ciji je projekat potpuno ugrozila osoba koja je olicenje vecine novinara ovog vremena (neobrazovani i nepismeni).
Pogotovu je bilo vazno razjasniti sve ovo, prije nego sto filmadzije stignu u Visoko, a Fondacija objavi vijest da se citava ekipa dosla izviniti, pasti nicice i zamoliti Semira da ipak ucestvuje u projektu ili neku slicnu megalomansku laz u kojoj bi Semir bio od vitalnog znacaja za citavu produkciju, Visoko i Bosnu uopste – kao i obicno.
Btw, za dalju edukaciju nase drage Besime, koja je u zadnji cas spasila ugled Bosne i Hercegovine na, kako ona napisa, globalnom nivou, preporucujem da procita nesto vise o reziserima koje Alan Rhodes pominje. Ko zna, mozda spozna da ima filmova (i zanrova) i osim Borata!
Edit: Procitajte sta zapravo smeta Osmanagicu!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
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Da parafraziram Nadrealiste: na muhu ne pucajte iz revolvera, tu su rakete Besima-muha-Besima. Pištolji "Piramidiotivski"!
Semke = Borat, nije vise Indiana Jones, hahahahahah!
Besima,da ti slucajno potajice ne radis za APWR? A ako in ne, e bas ti hvala, mozes se ponositi time da si dala Semketu novi nadimak!
Semke = Bosanski Indiana Jones! Oops my bad, Semek = Borat!
Imagine the picture!hahahahahah!
Haha! Evo i izjave:
Zanimljivo će biti vidjeti taj film na kraju, ali je Besimica uprskala definitivno!
"gross journalistic negligence" - malo je reci!
Valjda ce iz ovog nauciti lekciju o odgovornosti.
Neregistrirani, gdje ti crpiš toliki optimizam kad su piramidiotski novinari u pitanju, da mi je znati...... Čuj, naučiće lekciju o odgovornosti! Hoće, aha, sve dok ih Šemso uči afirmativnom novinarstvu!
Sorry, izgleda me jutros udario neki foton ispunjen pozitivnom energijom. :D
Nema niti ce ga biti, mislim na izvjestaj iz Osla, jer Bosanski Borat nije tamo ni bio. Hahahahahah! Bosanski Borat, hahahah!! Nejma izvjestaja, hahahah, joj Tito dragi, koliko lazi iz jednog Bosanskog Borata, a jos vise budala koji ga prate.
Dobro si ti pogodio Neregistrirani da će se sad u medijima paradirati sa izjavom ovih režisera kao da se klanjaju Osmanagiću - uporedi njihovu izvornu izjavu za štampu sa onim što je Visoko.co.ba upravo objavilo:
Trebalo bi javiti ovim režiserima, da im se skrene pažnja na to kako radi propagandna mašina Semira Fotona!
"It is not our intention to prove or disprove the existence of the pyramids. Nor do we wish to act as a mouthpiece for the Pyramid Foundation. Our film is concerned with faith, prosperity, with the strength of will and endeavour generated by a cohesive community such as Visoko, and with the power of the imaginary."
Bilo bi lijepo da je Fondacija objavila njihovo saopstenje na stranici na nasem jeziku.
Sto se tice teksta na visoko.co.ba vjerujem da se radi o zasebnom mailu poslanom redakciji, jer se gospoda koja snimaju film zaista trude odgovoriti svima koji su o ovom pisali i razjasniti zbrku koja je nastala zbog Besimine brzopletosti.
Moguće je i da namjerno udaraju tamo gdje su piramidioti najtanji - na ego. Objesiga, ako su ljudi već uložili vremena i novaca u pripremanje projekta... Nije na zapadu kao kod nas, da nešto počneš raditi, pa ako propadne, nikom ništa.
Majkemi, tačno kao iz Balkanskog špijuna:
"Kad se lepo izviniš, onda će brat Đura da ti oprosti što te je tukao!"
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