Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Neprijatelji razuma

Zahvaljujem citateljki Lei koja mi je poslala link za jako zanimljiv program koji, iako ne spominje fenomen vjerovanja u alternativna objasnjenja o piramidama, svakako spominje druga vjerovanja s kojima smo se sreli, ponajvise u nasoj omiljenoj rubrici "Iz mog ugla".

Spiritualnost, raslje, New Age, alternativna medicina, homeopatija, proroci... Emisija se zove "The Enemies of Reason":

"In his last Channel 4 series, Root of All Evil?, the evolutionary biologist Professor Richard Dawkins explored how organised faith and primitive religious values blight our lives.

But the fault line runs deeper even than religion. There are two ways of looking at the world – through faith and superstition or through the rigours of logic, observation and evidence – in other words, through reason. Reason and a respect for evidence are precious commodities, the source of human progress and our safeguard against fundamentalists and those who profit from obscuring the truth. Yet, today, society appears to be retreating from reason.

Apparently harmless but utterly irrational belief systems from astrology to New Age mysticism, clairvoyance to alternative health remedies are booming. Richard Dawkins confronts what he sees as an epidemic of irrational, superstitious thinking... He explains the dangers the pick and mix of knowledge and nonsense poses in the internet age, and passionately re-states the case for reason and science."

1. dio

"Prof Richard Dawkins looks at how health has become a battleground between reason and superstition. A third of us now spend a total of over 1.6 billion a year on superstitious alternative remedies, but 80% of them have never been subjected to properly conducted trials."

2. dio


Anonymous said...

Video je super!

Neregistrirani said...

A mi mislili da je nasa Dzazira sarlatan!

Anonymous said...

Ma Dzazira je genijalna.